Archive for January, 2008

Thursday, January 31st, 2008

the fox who cried wolf

in the old folk tale Chicken Little, an acorn falls on the head of a naive and gullible chicken, who jumps to the conclusion that the sky is falling. in a tizzy, she runs about the town shouting about imminent disaster, and whips the populace into mass hysteria…which an unscrupulous fox uses to manipulate the […]

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Saturday, January 26th, 2008

the land of far far away

there are castles here, and it is green even in the winter, pansies blooming in the city flowerbeds.  things are far older than they are where we live, with medieval fortifications and giant hewn Tudor beams and 300 year old pubs to wither my notion of Canada having any history whatsoever, and yet the place […]

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Monday, January 21st, 2008

tomorrow, here and there

we leave tomorrow for five days, off to Blighty for work, both of us. without Oscar. i am excited – any chance to travel is cool by me, especially to historic parts of Britain previously unvisited by my Anglophilish self. even if they do make me work while i’m there. while we took Oscar with […]

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Sunday, January 20th, 2008

cathy, i’m lost, i said though i knew she was sleeping

he is getting so big.  and i see him so little when the days are washed and measured; so little time, really, for catching his eye and smiling, for playing, for holding him close while he still fits in my lap. Saturday and this hits me, you see, right before we leave him for days […]

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Thursday, January 17th, 2008

turn turn turn

it’s been three years. three years since we got up at 5 am on a frosty morning and rushed by cab to the bus station and then across the street to the other bus station, dragging luggage like a wedding train, because we could never remember which place sold the Express Bus tickets. and then […]

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Monday, January 14th, 2008


i’m always surprised, startled even, by the occasional intersection of my own small part of the planet with The Big World, with fame or notoriety or the evening news. i remember struggling, as a kid, to truly grasp the idea that people far, far away read Anne of Green Gables and actually took it seriously, […]

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Thursday, January 10th, 2008

the baby shower

there’s been a birthing, folks. a really amazing birthing of community spirit and volunteerism, in celebration of a year of Just Posts in the blogosphere. i couldn’t quite figure out what to bring to the baby shower. i thunk and thunk ’til my thinker was sore, but everything i could make or do seemed a […]

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Tuesday, January 8th, 2008

of showers and presents

dear David Bowie, dude, your birthday again…many happy returns. because this little torch i carry for you is a flame of true and undying fidelity, and because some small, secret part of me still believes that one of these days you’re actually going to show up on my doorstep and beg relentlessly for my charms […]

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Monday, January 7th, 2008


and in keeping with the brand-new all-technology all-the-time motto here at the crib (don’t worry, i can’t keep this up), i present to you my son. twenty months old. on his first skates. yes, we are so Canadian it hurts. now go coo at my offspring, y’hoser. um…please.

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Sunday, January 6th, 2008


old Christmas. i’ve always loved the word ‘epiphany,’ gloried in the way it slips off the tongue, like an icicle: shining, elusive. its multiplicity of meanings lures me, too, rich and complex as it is in both its Christian usages and its secular incarnation. and suddenly, writing this, the connection between the visitation of the […]

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